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Roofing Automation

Marketing and Sales Automation for Your Roofing CRM System (Acculynx, Job Nimbus, Jobber, etc)

automation for solar CRM

Every roofing business needs a complete system to manage both outbound leads and incoming requests. This includes a funnel for lead management, an AI trained to handle replies, and an API integration with the estimating software of your choice. Here’s the breakdown of what a full system looks like:

1. Outbound Lead Funnel – Captures and nurtures outbound leads, ensuring follow-up and engagement.

2. AI for Replies – Trained to handle customer inquiries and replies 24/7, providing an organized and immediate experience for the lead (people like fast).

3. API Integration – Syncs with your estimating software (like AccuLynx, JobNimbus, or Jobber) to streamline processes.

4. Dashboard – A single-screen view to track all lead sources, pipeline stages, and key metrics for real-time insights.

5. Copywriting – Professionally crafted messaging tailored to your audience without it sounding too marketing-y or salesy and just flat out shitty.

6. Quality Assurance – Regular testing and monitoring to make sure that every part of your system runs smoothly from start to finish.

This system ensures your roofing business operates efficiently, stays on top of every opportunity, and maintains high-quality communication throughout.

Marketing and Sales Funnel

The first part of any business is generating leads, closing deals, and retaining customers. Generally, a funnel kicks in after the lead is generated. We use a variety of funnels to manage new leads. The purpose of a lead generation funnel isn’t just about improving the speed to lead (yeah, we all hate that cliché). It’s about having the right cadence, the right messaging, and most importantly:

Keeping everything organized.

Ever had a contractor confirm an appointment with you from one number, then get a confirmation text from a different number, and when you try to call back, you get redirected to a third number? So, you google the business and find a fourth number. Annoying, right?

A properly designed funnel should eliminate that chaos and keep all communication streamlined and organized, so your leads and customers always know exactly who they’re dealing with.

New Lead Funnel

As soon as a new lead comes in—whether it’s from a lead vendor, Facebook ad campaign, giveaway, Angie’s List, Thumbtack, PPC, LSA, a referral, or even from canvassing and door-knocking—there needs to be a universal greeting.

Think of it as building the front door of your business. When someone walks through, they should receive the greatest greeting imaginable. From there, they are seamlessly guided to the next step, which is typically setting up an appointment.

Follow-Up Funnel

But what if a new lead comes in and doesn’t set up an appointment? I mean look, I do this constantly. My amazon cart is full of bullshit I might never buy, but I started the process and many people follow my same pattern.

We know we need the arborist to come and trim the tree branches, so we called a few companies, but we haven’t yet set up the appointment. That’s what this follow-up funnel is for. To rope ’em in.

Booking Funnel

Sometimes people just wanna book via text and email rather than call, and so this is what the booking funnel is all about: utilize AI and automation to put in a request for an appointment. This is the first step to converting a lead.

Now all we need to do is keep it organized and call to confirm the appointment before we set the inspection. Don’t wanna run calls that aren’t worth it, so a bit of whittling is needed here.

Confirmation Funnel

Great, now they’re confirmed. What now? Well now is where we try to get in as many touch points as possible before the your guys show up. There is SO much we can do here. We can share some testimonials, we can introduce the tech that will be coming to their home, share some photos, use a bio, send a bit of information about the company.

The more touch points we can get the more money people will spend once you arrive at their home. Why? Cause people want to trust you first and THEN they will buy what they’ve been putting off for years.

Estimate Funnel

You drafted an estimate and now we wait, right? NO! Now we let the estimate funnel do its work. But here’s the catch:

All that automation and AI? We tame it down here. These are your BEST leads (anyone who replies to an estimate follow-up) and so we want to treat these leads with the utmost care.

So we turn the AI off here. More on that later. Actually, nah, it’s too complex to write about how the AI is set up. Just book a demo if you want more info on that.

Anyway, let’s move on so this isn’t a super long post.

Insurance Funnel

You’re not in the roofing game, you’re in the insurance game. You’re an adjuster. Gotta get those claims through, and so we spend some good time putting together an insurance follow-up funnel that will help the lead get the job through and make sure they keep on top of their insurance company so they can get that new roof with solar panels you’re trying to get them.

Review Funnel

Job done? Great. Now everyone goes to the review funnel. We can set it up so that everyone gets a link (and the link they get will depend on where they came from) or only happy people get the link. Yes I know, Google hates this. So what? 

Anyway, you got yelp review links, google review links, BBB review links, and as Open AI becomes more of a player, we may see their new search engine become a popular spot for reviews. We will see.

Loyalty Funnel

The job ain’t done yet. Now we have our referral program or our membership club. If you do other services and offer a Total Comfort club or whatever you call it, this is where we try to get people enrolled. We want that MRR coming in. And even if you don’t have a membership program, perhaps you have a referral or an affiliate program. Here is where we do that.

Permission Funnel

I know what you’re thinking, we GOTTA be done by now, right? NOPE! We will keep in touch with every single customer and lead twice a month. How do we do that? Easy! We ask their permission if it’s okay to add them to our annual nurture funnel.

We give them some juicy reasons to stay on board, and then on we truck…

Nurture Funnel

The last thing we want after all the hard work of securing a lead is to send impersonal, tone-deaf email or text blasts every now and then. That’s definitely not the way to build trust. We need to ensure that every piece of communication is connected to the last interaction we had with the lead or customer. This way, we stay top-of-mind and show them we genuinely care.

It’s easy for a customer to feel neglected if they receive an email or text that ignores their specific situation. For example, imagine a homeowner just had a new roof with solar panels installed, only to receive a message a few weeks later asking if they’ve considered solar. That’s a clear disconnect, but even subtler mistakes can happen.

What if the next time they hear from you, it’s an irrelevant company update or a generic article? They’re likely to wonder, “What does this have to do with me?” Instead, every communication should be thoughtful and aligned with their journey—perhaps offering tips on maintaining their new roof or insights into maximizing their solar energy savings.

We have to be more strategic and clever with how we follow up.

AI Chatbot to Handle Funnel Replies

All these messages go out, but what happens when people reply? Simple: AI.

Not long ago, companies had to rely on customer service reps (CSRs) to monitor and respond to every message that came in. But now, you don’t need to. We can train an AI agent with the perfect personality to handle all the replies, acting as your 24/7 assistant, ready to respond to leads and inquiries whenever they come in.

If a customer wants to book a roof inspection or consultation? The AI agent can handle it through text. It’s like having a round-the-clock virtual assistant that never misses an opportunity.

It’s a game-changer for roofing businesses.

Training Your AI Agent

Honestly, I won’t dive too deep into this here because it’s constantly evolving. Just know, it’s not easy, but we’ve developed a method that works. Most people mess up this part of the process, but we make sure we don’t. If things aren’t right after the first round, we pause, fix the issue, and then move forward.

You need specialists to manage your AI—this is not something to do in-house. Trust me, it requires expertise to get it right.

If you want to chat more about this, book a demo—there’s just too much to cover here. And seriously, don’t waste time watching endless YouTube videos on it. You won’t find the info you really need.

Custom API Integration

Typically, there are a few software platforms communicating with each other, and while third-party tools like Zapier, Make, or Pabbly can help with API connections or webhooks, the endpoints they provide are often limited. In most cases, you’ll need a custom solution to fully integrate everything.

Remember, this is your system, and it should be tailor-made to fit the specific needs of your business. The good news? With today’s technology, we can build anything you can imagine.

If you can visualize it, you can have it.

Zapier Usually Doesn't Cut It

Sometimes you’ll have contacts with multiple opportunities—maybe one closed estimate and another open one for the same job. They got the roof, but they’re still considering solar panels. Or maybe you sold them on the panels, but they’re not sure whether to redo the roof. They might even be thinking about a solar-powered pool warmer but haven’t decided yet.

As you can see, these deals can get complex fast. Without the right data and setup, your automations might only be 98% correct.

And here’s the thing about automation: 98% right can be worse than not doing it at all. That 2% firing wrong messages is a nightmare, especially if you have a large database. That’s why if you’re going to set up automation, you need to do it right from the start.

Funnel Dashboard

How many leads came from Angie?

How many appointments were set from Angie?

How many sales came from doorknocking?

How many estimates did organic social bring in this month?

These are the metrics you need to know. But there’s more—you also want to know which salesperson brought in the most revenue and who actually collected the most cash.

It’s crucial to see where your leads come from, what stage of the pipeline each lead is in, and who owns each deal. That’s why we designed our dashboard to be simple.

No Tag Manager needed.

No overwhelming data points.

•Just one screen with all the key metrics you need.

Here’s what you’ll see at a glance:

CPL – Cost Per Lead

CPIS – Cost Per Inspection Set

CPD – Cost Per Demo

CPE – Cost Per Estimate

CPS – Cost Per Sale

CPA – Cost Per Customer Acquisition

We make sure you have the most important insights, fast and easy.

Funnel Dashboard FunnelPros

Anyway, that’s really all you need: Funnel, AI, API, and Dashboard. With these in place, your system is streamlined, efficient, and built to scale.

Bada bing, bada boom.

(917) 694-3775